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Welcome to My Gypsy Life Blog
Cinque Terra Italy 2008


Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Bonjour, Bonsoir and Bon journee

Oh my French is coming along! Well here I am back in France, have in fact been here since late July but have been busy working on my cottage inside and out before winter sets in. It is expected to be officially here tomorrow with snow expected bbbbbbbrrrrrrrrrhhhhhhhhh.
So here is a snippett of my renos before I get a chance to fully update this page. It is a work in progress that I hope to have it mostly finished by late December. Just so you remember what is was like before here are the original photos.

I started digging out my downstairs area (the cave) to increase my accommodation to 2. Adding a studio apartment for me to live in when I have upstairs rented or rent out both areas during the summer periods. It has always been called the green room before because as you can see it was green with moss and frogs (not French people) living there. My frog prince was still there until I kissed him and relocated him to the garden before works started. Sadly one day I saw there was a squashed one on the road out front but thankfully I noticed my Prince was still in the garden.
Quite an ordeal digging it out with my French hired help hitting the mains water pressure and flooding the area for three hours while I waited for the water board to arrive!

 Meanwhile I have had my "Handy Andy" build me a terrace and stone steps, install the drainage and guttering so my cave is no longer green!
 I have yet to upload some more recent photos of the progress, hopefully in the next day or so as well as some side trips I have had with friends to various places around France since I have been back. So I will update them too.
Bye for now

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